
For Kistock KTU-RF
Light Probe
Light Probes are for the control and monitoring of the of the illumination of buildings, including offices, workstations, sports facilities, parking lots, shopping centers etc.
Probes for Tracklog
All the probes for track logs are interchangeable with an automatic recognition and the storage of the adjustment parameters.
Special Compost Probes
Probes for composts allow measurement in specific environments including grain elevators, straw stocks and compost stocks. It has measuring range of -40 to +375 degree Celsius.
For Data Loggers
Thermocouple temperature Probes

For Kistock RF
Ammeter Clamps
Ammeter Clamps have a PVC cable of 2m and an 8 pin mini-Din connector
For Kistock RF
Current/Voltage Inpout Cables
Pulse, Voltage & Current Cables have a PVC cable of 2m and an 8 pin mini-Din connector
For Class 210 Kistock RF
PT100 temperature Probes
Temperature Probes are useful for a wide variety of application.
Thermohygrometry Probes
Thermohygrometry probes measure both the humidity of the air and temperature of the air
For Class 310 Kistock RF

For Class 110/2010 Kistock RF
NTC Temperature Probes
Temperature Probes are useful for a wide variety of applications
Probes for Data Loggers

For Class 320 Kistock
PT100 Temperature Probes
Temperature Probes are useful for a wide variety of applications
For Class 320 Kistock
Ammeter Clamps
Ammeter Clamps have a PVC cable of 2m and an 8 pin mini-Din connector
For Class 320 Kistock
Current/Voltage/Input cables
Pulse/ Voltage and current cables have a PVC cable of 2m and an 8 pin mini-Din connector

For Class 320 Kistock
Thermo-Hygrometry Probes
Thermo-Hygrometry Probes measure both the humidity of the air and temperature of the air
For Class 220 Kistock
NTC Temperature Probes
Temperature Probes are useful for a wide variety of applications
For Class 220 Kistock
Water Pressure Probe
Water pressure probe for class 220 data loggers is equipped with a pressure sensor for liquid and gas, a PVC cable of 2m & 8 Pin mini-Din connector

For Class 220 Kistock
Ammeter Clamps
Ammeter Clamps have a PVC Canle 2m & an 8 pin mini-Din connector